Pinto Bean Recipe



2 lbs. Pinto Beans (clean out rocks and wash 2 or 3 times)
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 red chili pepper, crushed
1 ham hock or salt-pork


Put all ingredients in 8 qt. pot. Fill pot with water to about 3/4 full. Bring water and ingredients to a boil on med-high heat. Then reduce heat till water just simmers (low boil) - probably about med-low heat. Simmer beans for 3-4 hours. Check pot reqularly to make sure the water hasn't all boiled away. Add HOT water as needed to keep the water level up. Beans are ready when they can easily be smashed against the side of the pot with a spoon. Near the end, let some of the water boil away to thicken the broth to the consistency you prefer. To serve, dip beans and broth into a bowl.


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